Laser Vein Removal in Webster, TX

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What is Laser Vein Removal?

Commonly found on the face and upper thighs, spider veins are little blood vessels that branch out and become visible underneath the skin. Spider veins can be caused by many factors (like age and genetics) and can appear purple, red, or blue, which makes them hard to hide. Over time, spider veins tend to increase in number and become more visible. Because of this, we highly recommend seeking treatment at the first sign of unsightly veins. To minimize the visibility of veins on the face or body, Clear Lake Dermatology performs noninvasive laser vein removal treatments with Lumenis® M22™ and Candela GentleMax Pro technology. Our board-certified dermatologists can create a customized plan that meets your treatment needs and aesthetic goals.

Ideal Candidates

Laser vein removal treatments can reduce the visibility of small to mid-sized blood vessels on your face or body. Commonly known as spider veins, these blood vessels are usually not a medical problem, but they may cause cosmetic concerns. Many people with spider veins tend to avoid revealing clothing (like shorts and swimsuits) or use a lot of cosmetics to conceal visible veins. Laser vein removal works best for patients who maintain good overall health, don't have blood clots, and aren't pregnant.

Our Laser Vein Removal Technique

We complete laser vein removal in one of our private procedure rooms. Most of the time, these treatments take 20 – 40 minutes, depending on the size of the area needing treatment. During your vein removal procedure, we'll have you sit in a reclined position while we cleanse and prepare your skin. If needed, we can apply a numbing cream before your procedure to minimize any discomfort. We'll then pass handheld laser device across the treatment area so the energy can target any visible veins. The laser emits several pulses at the treatment area without affecting the rest of the body. The abnormal blood vessels absorb the laser energy, which collapses and closes the walls of these vessels.

What to Expect

After your laser vein reduction session, you may experience redness, bruising, or swelling. These side effects should subside in 7 – 10 days. For optimal healing, you can wear compression or support garments to encourage blood circulation. Following your appointment, you may return to most of your normal routine, but it's important to frequently apply sunscreen to any treated skin when out and to avoid sun exposure entirely as much as possible. Some patients see improvements immediately, but this varies for each person. To help you achieve your desired results, our dermatologists will discuss realistic expectations and provide recommendations on how many follow-up appointments you'll need. More spider veins will likely appear over time, so you may need additional treatments every few years.

Request Consultation

Plan Your Procedure

Average Cost  
$325 - $500
Recovery Time  
1 - 2 weeks
How Long It Takes  
.5 - 1 hour
Follow Up Time  
4 - 8 weeks
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Remove Spider Veins

Instead of covering or concealing unwanted blood vessels on your face and body, try noninvasive laser vein removal at Clear Lake Dermatology in League City or Webster, TX to improve the appearance of your skin. During your consultation, our board-certified dermatologist will examine your spider veins and create a customized treatment plan to best address your condition.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.