Keratosis Pilaris in Webster, TX

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What is Keratosis Pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris is a noncancerous skin rash that appears as small discolored bumps around hair follicles on the cheeks, upper arms, buttocks, or thighs. These bumps resemble small pimples and can create a rough texture on the affected skin. Some say this condition also looks like goosebumps. While there isn't a cure for keratosis pilaris, we offer different treatments to minimize the symptoms. Normally, those who have dry skin, swim often, or live in a humid climate can suffer from this skin condition. People of all ages can get keratosis pilaris, but it typically occurs in young adults and children. Keratosis pilaris is also common among those who suffer from eczema. At Clear Lake Dermatology in League City or Webster, TX, our dermatologists can assess your condition and minimize the symptoms and overall appearance of the affected area.

what Causes Keratosis Pilaris?

This skin condition is the result of a buildup in fibrous proteins, known as keratin, which protects your skin from infection. Keratin is produced near the hair shaft just under the skin. The blemishes that appear on your skin are blocked hair follicles. This irritation of the inflamed hair follicles leads to small lumps on the surface of your skin. Keratosis pilaris isn't contagious and is actually a genetic skin condition. It usually happens to people who also suffer from eczema, dry skin, hay fever, or asthma.

what are Symptoms of Keratosis Pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris can appear at any age, but it's more common for children and young adults. Signs and symptoms include:

  • Painless tiny bumps typically on the cheeks, upper arms, thighs, or buttocks
  • Dry, coarse skin around the regions with rashes
  • An increase in severity when seasonal fluctuations result in low humidity and dry conditions
  • Sandpaper-like bumps resembling chill bumps

how do you treat keratosis pilaris?

To address the red rash, our dermatologists can prescribe a one-week course of a medium-potency, emollient-based topical steroid cream that you apply once or twice every day. Once the inflammation has stopped, we can treat the remaining bumps with a routine prescription of either 2 – 3% salicylic acid or 20 – 40% urea cream. Weekly or biweekly dosages of topical retinoids are an effective and powerful treatment. However, after clearing your skin with more powerful medications, we can shift you to a milder treatment plan for symptom maintenance.

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Even though keratosis pilaris isn't painful, a visible rash can be embarrassing. Don't allow this condition to impact your self-esteem. We offer several treatments to improve the appearance of your skin, and we strive to help you feel more comfortable in your skin. Our highly experienced staff at Clear Lake Dermatology in Webster or League City, TX can identify keratosis pilaris and direct you on the path to smoother skin. Both of our offices are located near the beautiful Clear Lake region of the Greater Houston area. Please contact either of our offices to schedule your consultation and to learn more.

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